Monday, October 18, 2010

Sleep is the Reward for the Innocent

I don't sleep.
I haven't been able to sleep for more than three or four hours for several years.
I can go to sleep, but then I wake up and it is all over.
So, what does one do with all of those extra hours? That is a good question, and really, that is THE question.
I have had the concept of positive obsession as my theme throughout my posts here and that really is my saving grace in this situation. By consciously looking for positive things to focus on I have been able to stay out of many potentially destructive situations. The details are irrelevant. The idea is to focus on challenging, diverting and educational pursuits.
WARNING! Don't go outside and trim the trees at 3:00 A.M. I know from experience that the neighbors (not to mention the missus) will not appreciate it. I haven't gotten hate-mail but I have found hate-grass clippings in my yard.
Here are some things to avoid;
This one is pretty obvious. Drinking actually exacerbates sleeping disorders.
Visiting friends.
Don't show up at someone's house at 2:00. They will disown you for waking them up. If they aren't asleep at that time of the night, they will disown you for interrupting.
All-night restaurants.
You would be surprised at how much trouble you can find here. If you think about it, most people you encounter will not be there for the same reasons you are.
Any activity that generates noise.
Here come the grass-clippings again! It can also be illegal. AVOID.
Getting in your car and going is not a good idea. Your mind always has an agenda. You may not consciously be looking for anything, but your mind always has a plan. Be in charge.

I have purposely avoided discussing some things explicitly, but this isn't rocket science here. You KNOW what I am talking about. My Grandmother used to say, "Don't borrow trouble. It's a full-time job dealing with your own".

The bottom line is THINK! Do things on purpose. Be in charge. Don't let your need to fill the hours pull you into things that you would not otherwise do.

Read. Start a new hobby or dust off an old one. Look for things that have a low price tag and a steep learning curve. Start an online business (there really IS money to be made). You can work at any time of the day or night and IT'S QUIET!
Obsess over good things, positive things.
Practice Positive Obsession!

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